Thursday, January 2, 2020

Government Of The People By Abraham Lincoln - 1330 Words

INTRO Democracy is eloquently described by Abraham Lincoln as government of the people, by the people, for the people . The quote by Lincoln though, is perhaps the most straightforward, compelling explanation ensuring that even the laymen understand the fundamentals of the term. The subject matter that is required in this essay is to determine differences in the quality of democracy. This is regarded as the dependant variable, which is the outcome that needs explanation. This can be explained using the independent variables, the economic factors and cultural factors which will be used to explain the phenomena of the dependant variable. 3 countries will be looked at in this essay to explain the given theories. The countries are Tunisia, Algeria and Libya. All 3 countries have been picked having many similarities but when it comes to the quality of democracy, they vary. All 3 countries are vastly Muslim, they border each other and they are all situated in the north Africa. However the Pol ity score of each country differs with Tunisia Algeria and Libya scoring 7, 2 and 0 respectively. Libya s polity score was taken that of 2014. In measuring the difference in quality of democracy it needs to be ensured that the countries are as similar as possible therefore enabling the difference in the quality of democracy distinguishable. MEASURE OF DV(POLITY) THEORY The first of the independent variable ,focuses on economic factors. According to Lipset() there needs to be aShow MoreRelatedAbraham Lincolns Diction In The Gettysburg Address1054 Words   |  5 PagesThe United States was in a Civil War. The President at the time, Abraham Lincoln, did all he could to lead the union to victory. With the Civil War being the deadliest war that the United States had ever been a part of, as Commander-In-Chief, Lincoln had to convince his soldiers to persevere and claim victory to save the nation. 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